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Our packages of Shared Hosting

Bronze 1 GB Space Hosting: Rs.4499
with free domain name

Silver 5 GB Space Hosting: Rs.5499
with free domain name

Gold Unlimited Hosting: Rs.7499
with free domain name

Enterprise Multimedia Hosting: Rs.15000
with ffmpeg Multimedia Support

Our Domain Registration Pricelist

.com Rs.2999
.net Rs.3999
.org Rs.3999
.info Rs.3000
.biz Rs.3000
.pk Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.2499
.name Rs.2600
.ca Rs.2600
.tv Rs.5000

Our VPS Pricelist

Host VPS-10 10 GB Rs.500 monthly
Host VPS-20 20 GB Rs.600 monthly
Host VPS-40 40 GB Rs.700 monthly
Host VPS-60 60 GB Rs.800 monthly
Host VPS-80 80 GB Rs.900 monthly
Host VPS-100 100 GB Rs.1000
Host VPS-180 180 GB Rs.2500
Host VPS-240 240 GB Rs.4500
Manage 320 320 GB Rs.7000
Manage 480 480 GB Rs.7500

 Our Dedicated Server Pricelist

Server Intel i7 300 GB HDD Rs.12000
Xeon E3-1230v 2 TB HDD Rs.19000
Xeon E5-262 2 TB HDD Rs.28000
Xeon E5-262 8 TB HDD Rs.36000

Our SSL Certificate Pricelist

Rapid SSL Rs.2000
Dedicated IP Rs.2000
Total: Rs.4000 yearly

All prices are lowest in Pakistan as we are provider of Host Services in all over Pakistan!

SSL Cerficate





Counter doesn't work at all it says is: cannot open /var/cpanel/Counters/counter.dat

This happens once in a while, as Cpanel creates the .dat file with incorrect permissions. Please submit a support ticket, or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What are some common error codes

List of common error codes:

Succesful Client Requests:

200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authorative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content

Client Request Redirected:

300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy

Client Request Errors:

400 Bad Request
401 Authorization Required
402 Payment Required (not used yet)
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable (encoding)
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timed Out
409 Conflicting Request
410 Gone
411 Content Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Long
414 Request URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type

Server Errors:

500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported

You can  use these error codes to specify your own custom error pages through the .htaccess file. For example, supposing you want a custom page for anyone who experiences an internal server error, you would put this in the .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 500 /errorpages/500error.html

This is of course assuming the file you want displayed is 500error.html located in the /errorpages directory.

How do I password protect a directory

You can password protect directories within your site from unauthorized users by using "Web Protect". This allows you to restrict material to only authorized users or store sensitive material online.

To password protect a directory:

Click on the Web Protect link under the "Site Management" header in Cpanel.

Navigate to the directory that you want to protect. Select a folder by clicking on the folder name link, or open a folder by clicking on the folder icon.

Click on the tick box next to the LOCK icon. (make sure you do this, this is something most people forget)

Enter the name that you want to appear in the Protected Resource Name field. 

Click on the SAVE button.

Generally, you now need to add at least one authorized user to enable access to the directory. Refer to Adding an authorized user for more information.

When you check to make sure the password protect is working, please make sure you aren't just suffering from browser caching issues.

Is there a secure https login for Cpanel

There are secure https login for cpanel available:

Please Try:


You will get a warning message, but this is normal. The transferred data is still encrypted with 128 bit encryption in spite of the warning.

How do I login to Cpanel

You can login to Cpanel with the url that is in your Welcome email:

or, if your domain has propagated, you can use: