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Terms and Conditions

The following content is prohibited on our servers:

  1. Illegal use
  2. Threatening Material
  3. Fraudulent Content
  4. Forgery or Impersonation
  5. Unsolicited Content
  6. Copyright Infringements
  7. Collection of Private Date (Unless DPA Registered)
  8. Viruses
  9. IRC Networks (Including all IRC Material)
  10. Peer to Peer software

Refunds & Cancellations
All sales at Host Pakistan are final, at our sole discretion we may offer you a refund if requested within 5 days of activation of your first service only. This refund policy excludes refunds for custom packages created and add ons for example Control Panel licenses or Additional IP’s and Domain Registration Cost. If you violate our terms of service refunds are not given under any circumstances. If you open any disputes with any of our payment processors we are allowed to terminate your account without notice, orders marked as “Fraud” by our payment processor(s) will also be automatically terminated.

To cancel your service you must submit a ticket to our billing department.

Your 30 days rolling contract which you may cancel at the end of the billing term starts upon service being delivered which is usually instant via email after first payment of service is made, right to cancellation and requesting refund will end as soon as this occurs.

By activating your account with Host Pakistan , you agree to the above policies and disclaimer. Upon requesting activation of an account, you are required to accept these policies, guidelines and disclaimer, and a copy of your acceptance is forwarded along with your activation request to be maintained with your account information. NOTICE: If you sign up for an account and fail to comply with these terms, no refunds will be given. We will, however, advise you by e-mail or phone prior to taking any action to provide you with an opportunity to correct the problem.

Host Pakistan provides with technical support related to the server to its clients. We do not provide support for application specific issues, such as any programming, website code, third-party applications/tools/free softwares or any other such issue, even if such programming or third-party application was sold or otherwise provided to you by Host Pakistan. If a client needs the same from us, support can be provided on agreed fee, only if available. shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from' servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore, shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the corruption or deletion of any web site from one of' servers. All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.

Violations of these Acceptable Use Policies should be referred to "webmaster [at]". All complaints will be investigated promptly. Failure to follow any term or condition will be grounds for immediate account deactivation.

If any client misbehaves or using abuse languages to our staff, then we will suspend or delete his account without any priority notice, and he will not get any refund and further support from us. We have full rights to take action against that client.

Credit cards or PayPal Refund Policy: We can refund purchases made with credit cards or PayPal to the source account. Please note that Host Pakistan has no control over any additional charges that PayPal or credit card companies may charge, so you’ll need to contact them directly. We do not have refund for any other method except Credit Card and Paypal.

domain registrations and renewals are final we can not refund for domain registration.

Our Shared Host, Reseller Host, VPS Open to a full refund within 30 days of purchase, giving you plenty of time to test their overall performance.

Please mind that only first-time hosting accounts are eligible for our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. For example, if you've previously purchased a Shared Hosting package and cancelled it with a refund, you will not be eligible for any further shared hosting refund. Additional third-party software licenses (like cPanel or Softaculous) are non-refundable.

Backup: We strongly encourage all of our customers to do their own backups on their home computers or CDs to ensure you have ready access to your data in the event, we shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages of your backup files, lost websites, lost databases etc.

Shared Web Host accounts are allowed to use a maximum of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) inodes and thirty-five (35) concurrent HTTP connections to the server. Backups should be downloaded and removed after creation. For Shared, Reseller, Managed and Core Managed Host accounts, backups older than thirty (30) days in a customer account may be removed from the server at our discretion.

CPU/Memory Resource Policy: Resources are defined as bandwidth and/or processor usage. This policy is implemented to prevent the misuse of our servers. Each account is only allowed to use a maximum 25% of the CPU power/usage at any given time. Accounts that use above this amount or cause the web server to slow down for any reason will be asked to reduce the amount of load and traffic/bandwidth or upgrade to a premium host package with higher resources. If this issue is not resolved promptly Host Pakistan reserves the right to suspend or terminate an account without a refund.

Inode Usage: The use of more than 145,000 inodes on any cPanel account (single user) may result in warning higher usage inodes. There will be no service interruption at this stage but if no action is taken to reduce the inodes, service interruption may take place once a user reach 150,000 Inodes. Accounts found to be exceeding the 150,000 inode limit will automatically show resource exceeded and may be suspended if no action is taken to reduce the inode count.

Data Usage as Unlimited: For Shared Web Host and Reseller Host, the terms “unlimited” and “unmetered” are defined by our experience with similarly situated customers. This means that your use of our resources may not exceed that of similarly situated customers. Shared and Reseller Web Host Use may not include: (i) streaming content (other than that which is incidental to your website’s operation), (ii) management of very large photo galleries, (iii) storage of a large amount of uncompressed or full-size digital images, (iv) online file (FTP) serving, (v) distribution of large audio or video content such as MP3 files, and (vi) online backups (i.e. backup of desktop/laptop computer, files, or anything not directly related to the website). You agree that we may remove impermissible materials from our servers at any time in our sole discretion without notice. We may also delete the following types of files if we find them to be using excessive amounts of disk space, especially if affecting other customers: (i) cPanel or other backups stored locally, (ii) Softaculous backups stored locally, (iii) Softaculous backup temp files, (iv) Common CMS backups stored locally, (v) Common CMS backup temp files, (vi) Common CMS backup logs, (vii) excessively sized error logs, and (viii) any other large files deemed unnecessary for core website functionality or not containing any valuable data. We do allow maximum 5GB per email account in quota, If user exceed 5 GB per email account it will be notified to delete their email to below the limit of 5GB per email account.

Free Domain Restriction: If you claim free domain name with host, then “rename” a domain name or account is not possible to minimize the gaining free domain offer with non using domain. You can create new hosting accounts with other domain names, or you can add or remove domain names from an existing account. It’s possible to add another free subdomain to an account after it’s created, but it will be assigned to it’s own, separate directory. So, in short, if you want to move your website to another subdomain, there are two options: You can add the subdomain to the existing account, and move/copy the website files to the separate directory of the new subdomain. You can create a new hosting account with the new subdomain, and move/copy your website files to it. But changing the subdomain without having to move the files is, sadly, not an option.

Changes to our Terms & Conditions
If we decide to change our terms & conditions, we will update the modification date below. Changes will apply only to information collected after the date of the change.