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Start Your Own Business, Become our Reseller

Host Pakistan is providing Reseller Program with the helping hand from Australian Based Company. We are providing Packages at the same cost to you without our brand name. It's mean you will have your own Web Development business without buying anything. We will provide you nameserver or you can create your own website with us and have your own nameserver same as your company or domain name will be.

  • Reseller has to send us email
  • After approval you will able to have your own Brand/Company Name Server
  • Sell at any price in the market, just everytime buy the selected product from us from our site.
  • We will setup accounts for you and will handle it with care.
  • Our company name will not disclose to your customer as you will have your own nameserver.
  1. Send email to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Required fields are:

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Company name
  • How many package you can sell
  • Do you want your own Name Server (if yes please buy any package from us to setup your ns in your domain)

We will reply you within 2 hours with reseller qoutations and other information.

So Start earning money from today. Just send us the amount of package and sell at any price in the market. Earn 100%-2000% on every sale easily.


NOTE: Your website and company name is not required to sell any package by you to your customer, Only requirement is to be approved reseller. We will reply you within 2 hour after applying for reseller.


Client Testimonials


My company is reseller of Host Pakistan, I am happy to have this kind of service, they provide us full support to sell at any price of their package in the market with my own company name.



I have sold large number of packages at 200% high cost. It is still very low cost for buyer to buy from me.



Yesterday i sold one package for 2 year and receives Rs.5000 from client, i paid aprox 2 thousand to Host Pakistan, 3000 is my profit.
