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Price List


Our packages of Shared Hosting

Bronze 1 GB Space Hosting: Rs.4499
with free domain name

Silver 5 GB Space Hosting: Rs.5499
with free domain name

Gold Unlimited Hosting: Rs.7499
with free domain name

Enterprise Multimedia Hosting: Rs.15000
with ffmpeg Multimedia Support

Our Domain Registration Pricelist

.com Rs.2999
.net Rs.3999
.org Rs.3999
.info Rs.3000
.biz Rs.3000
.pk Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.2499
.name Rs.2600
.ca Rs.2600
.tv Rs.5000

Our VPS Pricelist

Host VPS-10 10 GB Rs.500 monthly
Host VPS-20 20 GB Rs.600 monthly
Host VPS-40 40 GB Rs.700 monthly
Host VPS-60 60 GB Rs.800 monthly
Host VPS-80 80 GB Rs.900 monthly
Host VPS-100 100 GB Rs.1000
Host VPS-180 180 GB Rs.2500
Host VPS-240 240 GB Rs.4500
Manage 320 320 GB Rs.7000
Manage 480 480 GB Rs.7500

 Our Dedicated Server Pricelist

Server Intel i7 300 GB HDD Rs.12000
Xeon E3-1230v 2 TB HDD Rs.19000
Xeon E5-262 2 TB HDD Rs.28000
Xeon E5-262 8 TB HDD Rs.36000

Our SSL Certificate Pricelist

Rapid SSL Rs.2000
Dedicated IP Rs.2000
Total: Rs.4000 yearly

All prices are lowest in Pakistan as we are provider of Host Services in all over Pakistan!

SSL Cerficate







A web site is a very powerful and inexpensive marketing and advertising tool and a great way to expand your business over the world.

At Host Pakistan, we pride ourselves on designing web sites that effectively market your business to your target spectators over the internet. Host Pakistan creates unique web sites which help you achieve the goals that you have for creating an online presence - whether it is for a business web site or for your personal use. The website would be designed by highly skilled professionals & latest technology software available.

A Professional Website should have the following features:

  •  Easy navigation
  •  Easy to-update
  •  Efficient use of space
  •  Well-suited Color theme
  •  Productive user interactivity
  •  Use of Templates
  •  Site Map & Search Features
  •  Daily updates with accuracy
  •  Use of Timesheets to manage your resources
  •  Search Engine Submission to Top Search Engines

    Send us your website requirements and we will get back to you with customized solution. specialize in developing the best solution for your business over the Internet.

  • Features

  • Starter

  • Silver Pack

  • Gold Pack

  • Design Concepts

    Number of unique design concept/s prepared
  • 1
  • 2
  • 2
  • Revision Rounds

    Total number of revision rounds included
  • 2
  • 4
  • 4
  • Initial Data Entry

    Content entered for you
  • 5 Pages
  • 15 Pages
  • 15+ Pages
  • Basic SEO

    Search Engine Optimisation
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Form Builder

    Easily add enquiry or survey forms to your site - no IT skills required
  • web design image no
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Add-ons Available

    Blog, Forum, Ecommerce, Domain Name etc.
  • Image Gallery

    Highlight your products, workplace or portfolio images
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Blog Application

    Highly interactive and optimised blog application
  • web design image no
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Events

    Event listings manager with calendar viewing control
  • web design image no
  • web design image no
  • web design image yes
  • Google Maps & Quick Contact Form

    Interactive location map + 4 fields contact form
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Links

    Easily create links to your site pages or other web sites
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • web design image yes
  • Forum

    Discussion boards
  • web design image no
  • web design image no
  • web design image yes
  • Ecommerce system

    Sell your products/services online
  • Payment Gateways for eCommerce

    E.g.: PayPal Standard, Authorise.Net, PayPal SitePro
  • web design image no
  • PayPal Std.
  • Multiple
  • Total Cost (ex. GST)

    One-off setup cost
  • Rs.4250
  • Rs.8000
  • Rs.15000
  • On-going fee (monthly)

    Includes support + web & email hosting
  • Free
  • Free
  • Free