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Price List


Our packages of Shared Hosting

Bronze 1 GB Space Hosting: Rs.4499
with free domain name

Silver 5 GB Space Hosting: Rs.5499
with free domain name

Gold Unlimited Hosting: Rs.7499
with free domain name

Enterprise Multimedia Hosting: Rs.15000
with ffmpeg Multimedia Support

Our Domain Registration Pricelist

.com Rs.2999
.net Rs.3999
.org Rs.3999
.info Rs.3000
.biz Rs.3000
.pk Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.1599 Rs.2499
.name Rs.2600
.ca Rs.2600
.tv Rs.5000

Our VPS Pricelist

Host VPS-10 10 GB Rs.500 monthly
Host VPS-20 20 GB Rs.600 monthly
Host VPS-40 40 GB Rs.700 monthly
Host VPS-60 60 GB Rs.800 monthly
Host VPS-80 80 GB Rs.900 monthly
Host VPS-100 100 GB Rs.1000
Host VPS-180 180 GB Rs.2500
Host VPS-240 240 GB Rs.4500
Manage 320 320 GB Rs.7000
Manage 480 480 GB Rs.7500

 Our Dedicated Server Pricelist

Server Intel i7 300 GB HDD Rs.12000
Xeon E3-1230v 2 TB HDD Rs.19000
Xeon E5-262 2 TB HDD Rs.28000
Xeon E5-262 8 TB HDD Rs.36000

Our SSL Certificate Pricelist

Rapid SSL Rs.2000
Dedicated IP Rs.2000
Total: Rs.4000 yearly

All prices are lowest in Pakistan as we are provider of Host Services in all over Pakistan!

SSL Cerficate





How do I create custom error pages

When a user enters an incorrect URL or is not authorized to access a specific directory in your website. Companies often customize error pages to brand them with a specific corporate image and a link to their home page. You do not have to customize these pages - the error page is always available, whether customized or not.

To create or modify a customized error page:

Click on the Error Pages link under the "Site Management" header in Cpanel.

Click on the button of the required error page, such as the 404 button.

Enter the HTML code for the error page. You can use the buttons at the top of the page to insert variables into the displayed code.


404 Not Found

The requested page is not available.

Click on the SAVE button. Your page for the selected error should now appear as your custom page.